Hope changes everything.


My heartfelt goal is to inspire hope in others who have lost a cherished loved one through evidential and meaningful readings with me. As someone who has lost loved ones myself, I know how healing and transformative this experience can be.


Another passion of mine is teaching! As an Elementary School teacher, it was an organic progression for me to include teaching as part of my offerings. Teaching Evidential Mediumship to those interested in learning how to connect to Spirit on their own is also a very healing and enlightening experience.


Anyone can be taught to develop their awareness of the Spirit world. You do not have to have been an intuitive child in order to become a medium. I like to say that I used to teach children how to read, and now I teach adults how to read!

What is an Evidential Mediumship Reading?

An Evidential Mediumship reading is for the two of us to sit together with the presence of your loved one who has passed into the spirit world. You can expect to receive evidence about their life, personality, experiences and memories so that you will know your loved one truly does still exist beyond the physical body. Messages of encouragement and support will be offered as we work together to feel the spirit and essence of your loved one.

What is a Combined Evidential Mediumship and Intuitive Reading?

A combination reading includes the use of both Evidential Mediumship and Intuition. These messages may come from your loved ones who have passed, your personal spirit guides or my spirit guides. The messages offered in these readings are determined by Spirit and are not exclusively directed by specific questions. These special and personal messages are communicated through your spirit team regarding what they would like you to know at this given time in your life.

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Classes are sold as a series; therefore, refunds are not given for missed classes.

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It is your responsibility to ensure you have provided the correct email for receiving class information. You are also responsible for converting the class start time into your own time zone if necessary.