Reading FAQ

The most important thing you can do is to be relaxed and come to the reading with an open mind. Know that there is nothing to fear. I will not be looking for secrets or connecting with unpleasant spirits. We will only be reaching out to your loved ones in spirit to provide you with messages of hope and inspiration so that you leave your reading uplifted, knowing that our loved ones are still with you.

Invite your loved ones to join us during our session. Be ready to receive any information they may bring rather than having any expectations. Allow yourself to be surprised!

Readings are conducted on Zoom. During your reading, have a reliable internet connection with a working camera and microphone, and be in a quiet place free from distractions such as children, pets, and media devices. Please set your phone on airplane mode and be aware that readings will not be conducted if you are in a car, at work, or in a public place. Allow yourself to be worry free so that you may completely immerse yourself in the loving energy that will surround you during your reading.

 Your reading will be an uplifting, positive experience! Spirit energy is always loving and healing. Some media might portray the existence of negative energies or spirits to attract viewers, but I have never encountered anything but affirmations that the spirit world comes to us with messages of love.  They will not be judgmental, instead they will offer plenty of encouragement and support.

In a mediumship reading, your loved ones who have passed will share evidence of their life so that you will have no doubt they still exist beyond the physical world. They will offer messages of comfort to support you at this time. In a combination reading, your messages may come form your loved ones, my guides, or your guides. They will not tell you what to do but will offer insight and clarity for you to best make your own decisions about your life.
Not included in a reading are questions about the future, demands for particular answers, information about health conditions, or anything that is not positive and uplifting in nature.

Our guides and loved ones no longer have a physical voice to use for communicating. Instead, they speak to us in a language that uses our human, physical senses. I act as the translator for this spirit language as I receive information through pictures, sensations, sounds, and even tastes and smells! I then pass on the information to you. The evidence given may relate to facts about your loved one, memories you shared, family situations, and much more. Your reading will be customized specifically for you.

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"Hope changes everything"

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Classes are sold as a series; therefore, refunds are not given for missed classes.

Recording is not permitted, nor is sharing any content from the class on social media or public or private forums. The personal information of fellow students is expected to be kept private.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have provided the correct email for receiving class information. You are also responsible for converting the class start time into your own time zone if necessary.